3 Ways to Eliminate Generational Trauma with Your Parenting

We're all pretty familiar with the "tough love" strategy. Many of us might even vividly remember instances from our childhood when we were told things like, "brush it off," "get over it," "it's not that bad," and "other people have it worse"...

And the list can go on. But we don't want to indulge in that anymore.

We're going to be focusing on something different instead― gentle parenting.

Here's why it's the best approach to bringing up you children:

What is Gentle Parenting?

Popularized by TikTok (who would've thought?), Sarah Ockwell-Smith's 2016 book, titled "The Gentle Parenting Book," made waves as she unpacked so much of how "reactive parenting" was not the right way to raise children.

In drastic contrast, Gentle Parenting involved the parents being more careful, kind, and empathetic in how they treated and raised their children. It aims to eliminate all and any toxic parenting techniques people use.

How Can Parents Incorporate it Into Their Lives?

Parenting is demanding and requires valuable input from both parents. Here's how you can integrate gentle parenting techniques into your life:

Recognizing the Pattern

You must take time to figure out any harmful parenting techniques and stereotypes you may have grown up with. You can also take note of any toxic norms that exist in society today. Recognizing the roots of the problem will help you work your way up to the solution.

Raise Your Voice

Once you're aware of the negativity, try as much as you can to go against it—even if it means that you can only voice your opinions. Speak up in your home about traditions and social situations which you find harmful. Work into the conversation what you'd rather practice and believe in.

And if you're unsure whether your child is paying attention or not, don't worry—children hear everything. That's how they're so quick to catch onto unflattering words!

Link Back to Yourself

Take a moment to reflect on what sort of treatment you needed when you were a child. Whether it was from the people around you or self-treatment. In place of this, you could try noting down what sort of treatment you did receive that you didn't appreciate.

Your answers will help guide your behavior towards your children. 

If you think you need the advice of an expert, try reaching out to family counseling services in Chicago, such as Sprout Family Clinics. We have licensed professionals well-equipped to help you navigate the problems you may be facing. We also provide services such as online therapy, couples counseling services, online counseling for kids, as well as remote individual therapy sessions.

Get in touch with us to find out more.